Frequently Asked Questions & Resources


I’m looking for an accountant, how do I get started?

The first step is to reach out to us through our ‘Contact Us’ page. We will get back to your inquiry shortly and schedule a 30 minute appointment for you and Cameron to discuss your tax and financial needs.

What should I bring to my appointment?

We advise that you bring your last year’s tax return to an initial appointment. You can also bring any letters received, and any documents you have questions or concerns about. If you are meeting about a business you own, bring your business registration and financial reports.

How much will it cost to have my tax return prepared?

The cost varies depending on what type of return is filed and what documents are a part of that return. We will quote you a range during your initial appointment. We do reserve the right to make changes to the engagement fee as sometimes tax situations arise that we are unaware of at the time of your initial appointment.

How do I submit my tax documents to you?

After your appointment, we will send you an invite to our client portal. You will be able to upload your documents there. Alternatively, you can mail them, drop them off, or fax them to us.

Where is my refund?

For your Federal tax refund, you can check the status here. For your Oregon tax refund, you can check the status here. Here are links to a few other states as well: California, Colorado, Idaho.
